Friday, April 25, 2008


For some reason, notecards have been puzzling today. We do these so that students have a simple, clear way to review. Parents or friends or family can help a student review through being "quizzed," or a student can study alone. I expect students to do 50 of these, with 1 point of extra credit given for every one after 50 (max of 20 points). Students should use these to review for 20 minutes or so every night leading up to the Constitution Test.

The front should contain a vocab word, subject, or question. For example (just a bit more colorful, maybe):

The back should look like this (again, feel free to add a picture, symbol, ryhme or something else to make it "stick"):

Students should use the following items to make the notecards:
*Any notesheet or worksheet from class.
*Chapter 7, Secs 2 and 3.
*Chapter 8, Secs 1,2, and 3.
*Study Guide Vocab
*Study Guide Goals
*ESPECIALLY old quizzes!!

50 notecards are due Monday.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Constitution Test RESCHEDULED

Between my absences this week, a half day tomorrow, a field trip on Friday, and next week's band trip, we can't take the Constitution Test as scheduled. Instead, we'll postpone it for Wednesday and Thursday, May 7th and 8th. The questions and material will remain the same, but we'll take it a week later. Sorry to delay it, but it can only help by giving you more time, too.