Sunday, April 8, 2007

Constitution Update

Project: I am currently grading them all, and you should see them completed in the next week. They will be done by next Tuesday, 4/17, before I begin grading Constitution Tests.

Missing Work: There is quite a bit in there... get it in! As a maturing student, you must become more accountable for your work. Part of my job as a teacher is to foster that maturity, so you've noticed my lack of "chasing" students for missing work. YOU must take accountability for what you do, and YOU must get your work in on time, and done fully. I will continue to excellently prepare you in the classroom, but YOU decide what you do with that knowledge. Will you fumble it, will you run with it, or will you forget you even have it?

Constitution Test: We have 6 classes left until test time! We will review for 5 minutes everyday, including all material from our Unit. We will review all of Monday, 4/16, as well, but this lead up is intended to remind you of the coming test. What are you doing to prepare yourself? Are you making note cards? Are you reviewing/completing notes? Are you reviewing old quizzes? You might want to create a study group to help each other out!

I firmly, completely, whole-heartily believe that you are all well-prepared and hard working enough to do well on this Test. It is not a matter of intelligence, but how much you CARE. Failure to prepare is preparing to fail. What will you do this week? Work hard... I BELIEVE YOU WILL SUCCEED!

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