Friday, March 23, 2007

Spring Break Homework Assignments

This assignment is for students who scored less than 80% on the latest quiz (Constitution Quiz 2/3 Branches Quiz). Students will need to type a 3 paragraph essay, with a paragraph on each of the branches. Students will need to summarize what each of the branches does, and include the qualifications for each branch.

This assignment is not punishment. The study of the 3 branches represents 75% of the Constitution unit. Students who fail to do well on this quiz, will NOT do well on the Test without extra help and work. It is my job to ensure that each student knows this stuff inside and out. Scoring below a B on an OPEN NOTE quiz does not represent a solid knowledge of this material, thus an extra assignment is necessary.

Students on vacations are still expected to complete this assignment. If there is no time to type this, I will accept a written version only with a parent note. STUDENTS ARE TO BE RESPONSIBLE AND ACCOUNTABLE FOR THEIR OWN WORK. Take responsibility and pride in your grade and your work.

All assignments are due MONDAY.

Students who scored over an 80% may do the assignment, and "extra credit" will be given.

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